Well-being: What does it really mean?

Every aspect of your life influences your state of well-being and is interrelated.



June 27, 2022 - 3:04 PM

Wellbeing is subjective: how you feel about your life depends on the way you see it, as are the steps you may take to get there. PIXABAY.COM

There is no consensus around a single definition of well-being, but in there is a general agreement that it includes the presence of positive emotions and moods, the absence of negative emotions, satisfaction with life, fulfillment, and positive functioning.  In short, well-being could be described as how you feel about yourself and your life.  

Every aspect of your life influences your state of well-being and is interrelated. Influential factors of well-being include physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and financial.  For example, a job provides not just money but purpose, goals, friendships and a sense of belonging.  Some factors also make up for the lack of others.  For example, a good marriage can compensate for a lack of friendships, while religious beliefs may help a person come to terms with physical illness.

Factors that increase well-being may also have negative effects if not balanced. Believing that money is the key to happiness can also harm a person’s well-being.  Better financial health may bring less worry about finances and have means to buy nutritious food regularly.  But, a person who chooses to work a lot of overtime misses out on time with family, friends, and leisure activities.  

Well-being is subjective: how you feel about your life depends on the way you see it, as are the steps you may take to get there.  Every person has different goals and a variety of ways to achieve them.  How can you maintain or achieve well-being? 

1) Develop and maintain strong relationships with family and friends.

2)  Make regular time available for socializing.

3) Find work or volunteer activities you find enjoyable and rewarding.

4) Eat nutritious foods.

5) Do regular physical activity.

6) Become involved in activities that interest you.

7) Join local organizations or clubs that appeal to you.

8) Set yourself achievable goals and work towards them.

9) Try to be optimistic and enjoy each day. 

K-State Research and Extension offers a variety of programs online and in-person, resources, and publications to assist you with your well-being. These can be found through on our website (Southwind.ksu.edu), Facebook (southwindextensiondistrict), Instagram (southwind_ext), and YouTube (Southwind Extension District).

For more information, please contact Joy Miller, Family Resource Management Extension Agent, at [email protected] or by calling 620-223-3720.

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