Carlyle Presbyterian Church
Myrna Wildschuetz played How Long Has It Been on the piano for the morning prelude and Each Step of the Way for the offertory. For special music Maria Burton and Maurijo Kallinen assisted Richard Klingensmith in leading the congregation singing If Youre Happy and You Know It.
Pastor Steve Traws message, The Other Side of Faith, was taken from James 2:14-26.
Bob and Rosa Shaughnessy will celebrate their wedding anniversary on Sunday and Fred and Pat Heinz will celebrate theirs Monday.
The Christian Strings will perform at 6:30 p.m. Sunday.
Pastor Traw leads Bible Study at 3 p.m. Tuesdays on the book of Philippians.
Country Club
The Carlyle Ladies Country Club met recently with Sharon Grisier at the Carlyle Fellowship Hall.
Attending were Naomi Chambers, Alice Dowell, Pauli Hawk, Joanne Mc-Intyre, June ODell, Pat Shields, Rita Sanders, Phyllis Loomis, Myrna Wildschuetz, Sharon Grisier, Jean-ice Cress and Cheryl Klingensmith.
Alice Dowell won the door prize. She will host the September meeting at Carlyle Fellowship Hall.