Fiber optic cable coming Humboldt’s way


Local News

July 10, 2018 - 11:31 AM

HUMBOLDT – JMZ Corporation, doing business as KwiKom Communications, will place fiber optic cable In Humboldt by way of an ordinance Humboldt council members approved Monday night.

A presentation by the company said the high-speed cable would be extended first to downtown businesses and industries, later to residential neighborhoods. The project will open another opportunity for residents to tap into television, telephone and Internet services.

Kwikom has had a presence in Humboldt for about 10 years through wireless communication devices, with repeater antennas, including on its downtown water storage tank.

City Administrator Cole Herder said two others companies, including LaHarpe Telephone, had made overtures recently about having antennas on the storage tank.

Cox Communications also provides the town with cable TV, internet and phone services.

Herder said he wanted to keep all on a level play field and not give any a decided advantage.

IN REGARDS to utility lines, Herder said work is in progress to lay lines to an industrial tract east of town. Still under consideration is whether to use a pump or gravity to ensure correct flow through the sewer lines.

Herder said he thought they could keep the work at about $335,000, the amount that Allen County commissioners have said they would provide.

Budget preparation continues, Herder said, and that the document would be ready for consideration at a special meeting at 6 p.m. on July 24.


council members:

— Recognized a number of employees, including Patricia Sanchez and Eddie Harners for their years of service with the city. Sanchez is a 35-year employee; Harner, 40 years.

— Were told Enbridge Pipeline had approved a $5,000 grant that will permit the city to remove and replace a number of trees in the downtown square.
