Taking the long view is critical to good governance

Increasingly, we have become so focused on today, that we refuse to consider how our actions may affect the future. A little delayed gratification is in order



March 31, 2023 - 3:58 PM

Kenny Eliason/Unsplash

Most of us fail the marshmallow challenge.

Even if we know there’s a greater reward for denying ourselves two sweets instead of one, we say, “why wait?”

That can be a problem.

Deferring immediate gratification is how we best prepare for the future.

That’s how as a country we fund entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security that help take our senior citizens into their sunset years. 

It’s how we are able to have a strong defense system that works to preserve our democracy.

It’s how we maintain our infrastructure making sure we have clean water to drink; good schools, law enforcement and public health services.

Conscientious lawmakers work to see these programs and services are adequately funded knowing they are the fabric that binds our society.

Others are always looking for loose threads.
