Ive had the great pleasure of working with young people in the community for the past 18 years.
When I was 19, I began working as a tutor for SAFE BASE and as youth minister. I have taught in the schools throughout these 18 years and have witnessed firsthand the issues our schools present.
In addition to teaching, Ive been someone on the outside who has listened to hundreds of young people and their teachers speak about the challenges our schools present.
There are many challenges our students and teachers face.
Teachers using rooms not intended for instruction like closets and locker rooms. These rooms are being used by our students with the greatest needs.
Current classroom sizes and building layouts throughout the district limit collaborative learning and the best utilization of instructional time that is critical to the success of our students.
Additionally, we face increasing costs to maintain three aging facilities. These buildings are plagued with energy inefficiencies, HVAC issues, leaking roofs and the list goes on. Funds will continue to be used to patch issues that need to be fully resolved.
Lastly, our science building and its laboratories are a throwback to the sixties. Several young people have shared with me how inadequate they have felt when doing collegiate lab work. Not only do we need new labs, but classrooms designed for STEM instruction, robotics and new technologies.
Our students, educators and community deserve better than this status quo.
This is our time to say we want better for our community, educators and young people. Lets show our young people we care enough about them and vote for change.
Our example is a powerful one. Let our example be one that says, Youre worth it. Its time to let our voices be heard.
One of my favorite quotes is by Martin Luther King Jr. who said, Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.
Lets not be silent any longer. This matters!
I encourage you to join me in voting Yes! Yes! Yes! on Tuesday, April 2.