Letter to the editor — October 16, 2018

Dear editor,

Without going into the actual 17 points mentioned in the LaHarpe meeting about building a new grade school, somewhere to be determined by the Board of Education sometime but not now, I would like to tell you — since I’m the “poster boy” of the opposition, by your selection, why this bond issue will fail, just as they have in the past.

One, we the bill-payers, don’t have a menu to approve — we are given pre-determined options and that’s that. No discussion, no real public hearings with the school board about what are options we want to see on the table — only what a very select and subordinate group of no knowledge and no experience in the boon-doggels that have been passed by this same group of “Build it new and they will come, mentality” that has failed in its implementation since we tore down the courthouse,  the railroad station, the water plant, the hospital, the new power line for Gates, $400,000 for farm ground to give money to Iola Industries for them to be able to pay for trashy looking apartments and pay off their bribe money to G&W groceries to build a ass-backwards building on county ground that is 50 percent higher groceries than Walmart or Moon’s, and now three grade schools, and we have nothing any better to show for it. That’s one reason this bond issue will fail, plus the fact that no one even gives a good look at repurposing the school buildings we do have.

Let’s look at what would pass the bond issue: 1. Repurpose the grade schools as they now stand. 2. Get rid of the “Palace” on Washington and move the superintendent and his staff back into the school environment. McKinley would be a great place and the superintendent could double as principle for the little people, too: saves money and won’t need secretary either — saves money. 3. As part of repurpose put up elevators for Lincoln and Jefferson for the handicapped to use; 4. Buy some selected lots for parking around the grade schools for teachers to park off the streets. 5. Cut out part of the entrances to the grade schools to allow for loading and unloading into a covered entrance. McKinley-east side, Lincoln-north side, Jefferson-west side and entrances would also provide some security as to visual and physical options. Could also cut out drop-off lane at each school. 6. Repair what’s needed at our current science lab. 7. Forget about a storm shelter that would make students and teachers have to get out into the storm to go to shelter – stupid. 8. Start replacing all HAC units with scheduled maintenance — now add that up and we’ll pass your bond issue-otherwise, you’re wasting everybody’s time and energy.

Larry Walden,
Iola, Kan.


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