The secret of stone soup



June 22, 2018 - 11:00 PM

Humanity House

Stone Soup is the story of a hungry traveler who ventures into a village. Upon asking for food and being told that everyone is poor and has nothing, he builds a fire, sets up a big pot of water, and drops in a stone. When asked what he is doing, he explains he is making stone soup and while it is delicious it would be better with potatoes in it. As so the story goes, with others realizing that though they don’t have much, they do have one ingredient that they could add to the pot. By the end of the story there’s a delicious soup for everyone. When asked about the magical stone, the traveler replies that it did nothing, it was the community.

I cannot think of a story that relates to the mission of Humanity House better than this. Though we are a rural community with over 40 percent of our population living at 200 percent or less of the federal poverty line, when we combine efforts, amazing things happen. Whether it is lighting up our town squares, filling a shop with toys, building a sidewalk for many to use or feeding hungry people, together we’ve proven that it doesn’t take much from many to have enough for everyone. In bringing the community together with a single purpose in mind, we are all strengthened. We become united in a way that is uplifting and beneficial, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Humanity House will celebrate ownership of the Humanity House Community Garden on Saturday, June 30, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. with our own Stone Soup event. Live music, mud pie making, and watermelon seed spitting contests are on the agenda. B&W Trailer Hitches has donated a bucket truck of dirt for kids to play in. We will have a rock painting station. We ask that each family bring an ingredient to put into the soup pot and if the cook in the family is feeling creative, a dessert would be welcomed.

Our Stone Soup party gives families a chance to have a fun day at the garden and for kids to learn a valuable lesson — that by giving just a little, much can be created. We hope to see you at the garden, helping us celebrate our new endeavor. And as always, kindness matters.
