The Iola AA American Legion baseball team was introduced to an earlier version of the sport, played about 160 years ago. Although it took a while for the youngsters to get accustomed to the eccentricities, they still rallied for a thrilling 7-6 win.
LaHarpe Day festival-goers were treated to a thrilling exhibition of 1860s-era baseball Saturday afternoon, as the Emporia Howe House Griffins (in tan) took on the LaHarpe William Allen Whitestockings, otherwise known as the Iola AA American Legion Indian squad. The Whitestockings put forth a thrilling rally, coming back from a 5-2 deficit and scoring twice in the bottom of the ninth — with two outs, no less — to win, 7-6. Photo by Richard Luken / Iola Register
The LaHarpe William Allen Whitestockings gave the hometown fans a thrill Saturday, by scoring five runs over the final three innings, including the tying and winning runs with two outs in the bottom of the ninth, to defeat the Emporia Howe House Griffins, 7-6, as part of LaHarpe Day.
The Whitestockings, in actuality, were members of the Iola AA American Legion baseball team, who agreed to take part in the light-hearted exhibition.
Players greet each other at the conclusion of Saturday’s vintage baseball game.
Cooper “The Third” Riley delivers a pitch for the LaHarpe William Allen Whitestockings Saturday. Pitchers in the 1860s were called hurlers and were required to pitch underhand.
Dan “The Preacher” Davis introduces himself during pre-game festivities. Each player was required to give himself a nickname prior to the contest.
Evan “Kid” Lucke runs down a ground ball, despite not being allowed to wear a glove. Lucke later delivered the game-winning hit, smacking a two-run single in the bottom of the ninth inning as the LaHarpe William Allen Whitestockings defeated the Emporia Howe House Griffins, 7-6.
Kaiden “Barney” Barnett takes a mighty swing for the LaHarpe William Allen Whitestockings Saturday.
Umpire Angela Anderson explains 1860s baseball rules to the crowd during LaHarpe Day festivities Saturday, prior to an exhibition game between the LaHarpe William Allen Whitestockings and the Emporia Howe House Griffins. LaHarpe rallied for a dramatic 7-6 victory in the bottom of the ninth inning.