Adopt-A-Child accepts sign-ups through Nov. 4

Parents, legal guardians and foster parents in Allen County are welcome to register their children to receive assistance through the Adopt-A-Child program. The last to day to sign-up in Monday, Nov. 4.

Around Town

November 1, 2024 - 3:08 PM

The last day to sign up for Iola’s annual Adopt-A-Child program is Monday, Nov. 4 from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. at Iola’s First Baptist Church, 801 N. Cottonwood St.

Parents, legal guardians and foster parents throughout Allen County are welcome to register their children to receive assistance. (The sole exception is for those living in Humboldt, which has its own Adopt-A-Child program.)

Recipients are asked to bring identification and their children’s State of Kansas medical cards. The paperwork is required to be shown each year, although no private information will be recorded.

Gift pick-up is on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at the church.

Adopt-A-Child is sponsored by First Baptist Church, the Iola Police Department, Allen Community College athletics and other donors throughout the community.
