Carlyle Presbyterian

Pastor Steve Traw returned to the pulipt Sunday. His message focused on scripture from Genesis 12:1-9.

Around Town

December 30, 2024 - 2:49 PM

After a long absence, Steve Traw was back in the pulpit Sunday with a warm reception. We had many great speakers in his absence, but our prayers were answered with his return.

Scripture from Genesis 12:1-9 was the basis for his message, “The Most Exciting of Times.” Abram and his family left for the promised land by faith in God. The covenant was made with Abram of land to him and all his descendants.

We must place our trust in God.

Prayers are requested for the Colony Community Church congregation, who lost their church Thursday evening.

The first meeting of the secret sisters will be at 11:30 a.m., Jan. 25. Bring a dish and enjoy the fun. Bring a donation of diapers or formula to be given to a local charity. More details will follow.

July 2, 2024
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