


September 26, 2018 - 11:02 AM

Thursday-Saturday-Kincaid Fair; Monday-Cemetery Board meeting, City Hall, 7 p.m.; Oct. 3-Lions Club, United Methodist Church basement, 7 p.m.; 4-County Bus to Garnett, phone 24 hours before you need a ride, 785-448-4410 any weekday; Community Church Missionary meeting, Church Annex, 1:30 p.m.; United Methodist Women, United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m.
School calendar
Friday-high school football at Marmaton Valley, 7 p.m.; Monday-PTO Assembly, 8:30 a.m.; Tuesday-MSA team volleyball, 5 p.m.; Oct. 3-FFA to Ottawa; 4-school pictures; middle school volleyball and football at Jayhawk-Linn, 5 p.m.
Meal site
Friday-hamburger, sliced tomato, potato salad, hamburger bun, juice. Menus will cease being published because the company that produces them will no longer be doing it.
Christian Church
On Sunday, Darren McGhee gave the Communion meditation, referencing Genesis 3:1-13 and how the serpent tempted Adam and Eve. He said it was like filling a table with vegetables for a child, and then placing a plate of cookies in the middle and telling the child not to eat the cookies.
Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon “Think (What do I believe?) – Act (What should I do) – Be (Who am I becoming).”
Men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday. A meal and prayer time is at 5:30 p.m. Wedensday, followed by the youth “Believe” study at 7. (Kids are welcome to come to the church at 4:30.)
Youth Sunday is this Sunday. Youngsters will host a garage sale Oct. 5-6. Take donated items to the church.
Cowboy Church
Sunday at High Point Cowboy Church Apostle Jon Petty spoke about being in God’s presence when facing personal trials — cancer, addictions, finances, relationship.
Scott Coon will officiate at the 9 a.m. Sunday service.
Scripture presented at Sunday’s worship service was Psalm 1: 1-6, Proverbs 31: 10-31, James 3: 13-18 – 4: 8 and Mark 9: 30-35. Pastor Dorothy Welch presented the sermon, “Like a Tree.”
This year’s Crest High School recipients of the Kansas Honor Scholar award were Regan Godderz, Camryn Strickler and Jewel Armstrong. Congratulations.
Crest Education Foundation is hosting Trivia Night at the Kincaid School at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 6. Bring your drinks, snacks and friends. Doors open at 6 p.m. Participation costs $20 each, with six people per team. To reserve your table, phone 620-363-0080. Participants must be 21 or older.
Library Board
Members met Sept. 18. The Little Free Library was discussed, and has been put up in front of the Colony Diner. Patrons may take books and magazines from the Free Library and are welcome to return, keep or give them away when finished.  Books and magazines also may be donated to the Free Library. Members discussed having some type of activity one evening a month. Some suggestions were pie crust making, cookie exchange, and crafts.
The next meeting is Oct. 9.
Jolly Dozen
The Jolly Dozen club met Sept. 17 at Marilyn Thexton’s home. Roll call was answered by naming a favorite fall fragrance or flower. Seven members were present. Phyllis Luedke won a door prize, a fall towel. Claudette Anderson also won a door prize, a mum. Marilyn served a pumpkin dump cake and pumpkin spice Chex mix.
Lions Club
Seven members answered roll call at the Sept. 19 meeting. Kenton King said letters for the highway sign will cost about $60. Members agreed to order them in time for Colony’s citywide garage sale Oct. 5-6.
Jay Dutton read a card from Betty Ramsey who won the tablet at Colony Day.
Steve and Sue Michael are new members.
Chip Tiegreen, Chanute, won the drawing for a Glock 42 pistol. The Lions Club members agreed to sponsor a table at the Oct. 6 Trivia Night in Kincaid.
Around town
Sympathy is expressed to relatives and friends of Steve Spangler, 70, Garnett, who died Sept. 17 at Residential Living Center, Garnett. He was a 1966 Colony graduate. Survivors include his wife, Cathy, a son, daughter and five grandchildren. The funeral was Friday. Burial followed at Lone Elm Cemetery.
Sympathy also goes to Neal and Charlotte Wallace at the unexpected death Sept. 16 of their granddaughter, Cisha Wallace, 38, Humboldt. Funeral services were Tuesday. Burial followed at Iola Township Cemetery, Piqua. The Wallaces are appreciative of the many condolences they have received.
