Friday-Recycle trailer on Cherry Street, in front of City Hall, leaves Tuesday. Monday-Crest School Board meets at Board Office, 7 p.m.; Wednesday-Rural Water District No. 5 Board meeting, Board Office, 8 p.m.
Little League
July 13-15-Girls Pigtail Tournament at Colony
Meal site
Monday-vegetable beef soup, salad with spinach, rose applesauce, crackers, cookie; Wednesday-pork cutlet, sweet potato, Prince Edward veggie, roll, cheese cake; Thursday-beef taco salad, red beans and rice, shredded lettuce, tortilla chips, berry mix; Vision Cards accepted. Phone 620-852-3457 for meal reservation.
Christian Church
Howard Reiter gave the Communion meditation on Who is this man? referencing Matthew 27:32-44. He discussed how the Pharisees mocked Jesus when he was on the cross. Pastor Chase gave the sermon Heading Home. His references were 1st Peter 1:3-9, Jeremiah 29:10-14, and Acts 27:30-32.
Mens Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday.
Middle school and high school youth will have a campfire cookout and kayaking at Chase Riebels house from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday. Contact Chase or Jessica for more information.
Cowboy Church
Pastor Leo Ramsey opened the service Sunday at High Point Cowboy Church. Cindy Beckmon and the praise band led in worship music and song.
Apostle Jon Petty gave a sermon on hope, saying it is not wishing, but knowing God will fulfill his promises.
The community is invited to join in Bible study following band practice at 7 p.m. Thursday evenings at the church, 204 E. Fourth. The Pettys will stay for a time of fellowship and doughnuts Sunday.
Scripture presented at Sundays service at United Methodist Church was Deuteronomy 10:12-13 and 17-21; Galatians 5:13-26 and John 9:31-39. Pastor Dorothy Welchs sermon was titled For Freedom.
City Council
Jeff Dieker has a tree spade to move trees in the park, Colony City Council members were told.
The dugouts are completed and the bill for the fencing around them will be sent to the school district.
Gene Wallace stated he would serve as dog catcher if no one has been found by September.
A building permit was approved for Dale Wallace to rebuild over an original building to make a larger dog house.
City Clerk Phyllis Gettler explained the Kansas Set Off Program. It is a way for the city to file a claim against a residents state income if they do not pay their bills.
The Council voted to join the setoff program.
Nuisance letters will be sent to property owners with large piles of debris in their yards.
An ordinance establishing mandatory sewer hookups for all residences and businesses in Colony was approved.