Holy week starts Sunday in Allen County


March 29, 2012 - 12:00 AM

Area churches have planned a variety of services to celebrate Holy Week.

Community Good Friday services, sponsored by Iola’s Area Ministerial Association, will be at noon April 6 at First Baptist Church, 801 N. Cottonwood St. The Rev. Phil Honeycutt will bring the message.

Singing special musical selections will be Gina Honeycutt and Barbie Daugharthy.

The Good Friday service is part of what is known in Christianity as Holy Week, which culminates in the Easter celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. 

There will be an offering taken at the service, which will go into the Iola Area Ministerial Association’s general fund. This special service is open to the public. 

Other area churches will hold special services during Holy Week:

Ward Chapel 

A.M.E. Church

523 N. Buckeye

The Rev.

Barbara Miniefee

On April 8, area residents are invited to the 7 a.m. Easter services at Ward Chapel A.M.E. Church. A breakfast will follow at the church.

The Rev. Barbara Miniefee’s message will be “Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing,” with Scripture from Luke 9:51-62.

Calvary United


Church, 118 W. Jackson, 


Salem United Methodist 

Church, three miles

west of Iola

on Highway 54

and two miles

south on 800 Street

The Rev. Gene McIntosh

Palm Sunday services at Calvary and Salem United Methodist Churches begin at 9:15 a.m. at Calvary and at 11 a.m. at Salem.

On April 5, Maundy Thursday will begin at 7 p.m. at Calvary United Methodist Church.
