Christmas Block Party is Friday

The Annual Downtown Christmas Block Party celebrates its 10th year Friday. Merchants are keeping doors open until 7 p.m. with special deals and entertainment.


Local News

December 3, 2024 - 1:44 PM

Marie Barclay, communications coordinator for the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce, promotes Friday’s Annual Downtown Iola Christmas Block Party. The event is celebrating its 10th year. Photo by Sarah Haney / Iola Register

You can shop ’til you drop at this Friday’s Annual Downtown Iola Christmas Block Party.

Celebrating its 10th year, the event includes special deals by downtown merchants who are keeping their doors open until 7 p.m.

Marie Barclay, communications coordinator for the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce, noted the event began when the current chamber director, Kelly Sigg — who owned Audacious Boutique at the time — teamed up with a few other business owners to provide a night of holiday shopping.

“They hoped to bring a sense of unity among the local downtown merchants, as well as draw attention to them,” Barclay said. After a few years, the Chamber of Commerce took over its planning and has coordinated it ever since.

The Block Party “creates a sense of joy,” said Barclay. 

NEW TO THIS year’s celebration is live entertainment beginning at 4:30 p.m. on the courthouse square. Allen Community College theater students will take the stage first to perform improv.

At 5 p.m., local singer Sabra Stockebrand will perform a variety of holiday songs. 

Twenty businesses and pop-ups are anticipated to participate in this year’s block party. “Some of the downtown businesses are hosting other pop-up businesses in their buildings,” said Barclay, noting that this includes food vendors.

Downtown businesses are ready for the Christmas Block Party.Photo by Sarah Haney / Iola Register

Also on tap is a candy cane hunt at noon Saturday on the downtown square followed by Santa’s arrival at 1 p.m.

Santa will be in his house from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m., and again on Dec. 11, from 4 to 6 p.m.

Barclay hopes both events draw crowds to downtown.

“The year before last, we had close to 600 or 700 people participating,” she said. Last year’s Block Party numbers were eclipsed by unusually cold weather in addition to the fact that Santa was receiving good little boys and girls at his house.

“We ended up with more people at the Santa house than at the businesses,” Barclay said.

“The block party makes such a difference to local business owners who work hard all year to entice a more finite crowd,” said Barclay. “For some of these business owners, holiday shopping accounts for well over three-quarters of what they make in the whole year. 

“When you shop locally, you have a huge impact and you bless a whole family.”
