As part of its 2024 giving, Your Community Foundation has awarded $15,000 to nine area organizations. The grants focus on promoting health and education efforts.
The Elsmore Community Ruritan Club received $2,000 to continue stocking their food pantry, a vital tool in fighting hunger in eastern Allen County. Accepting the award from YCF’s Elaina Stiffler, center, are Helen Welch, left, and Alice Bolin. Courtesy photo
Your Community Foundation awarded $15,000 to nine area organizations as part of its 2024 giving.
The grants focused on promoting health and education efforts. The foundation’s executive director Elaine Stiffler presented the recipients with their award just before Thanksgiving — a timely boost to their efforts.
Iola Middle and High schools were awarded $2,000 to help with the purchase of two AED machines that will accompany teams traveling for sporting events. IMS athletic director Scott Brady, left, and principal Brad Crusinbery receive the award from YCF executive director Elaina Stiffler.
The Pregnancy & Family Center was awarded $2,000 to provide new car seats and Pack ‘N Plays to area families. Present to accept the award are, from left, Jonathan Adams, co-director Theresia Turner, Marcia Roos, YCF’s Elaina Stiffler, co-director Angela Johnson, and Harold Hoffman.
Marmaton Valley School District superintendent Kim Ensminger accepts a check for $1,000 from Your Community Foundation’s Elaina Stiffler. The money will be used to renovate the junior and senior high school’s weight room.
Participants in Moran Youth Recreation pose with a check for $1,000 from Your Community Foundation. The money will be used to purchase reusable basketball jerseys and new basketballs.
The Humboldt Lions Club, awarded $2,000, will use the grant funds to refurbish their Sight Screener, used to conduct free vision screenings. From left are Lions members Darrell Krone, Chris Bauer, Your Community Foundation’s Elaina Stiffler, Larry Barnett and Cole Herder.
Humanity House’s Georgia Masterson, left, and executive director Barbara Button, right, accept a check for $2,500 from Your Community Foundation’s Elaina Stiffler. The funds will be used to distribute 50 Christmas boxes to needy families. An example of the boxes, which would also include a ham or turkey and all the fixings, is seen in the photo.
Hope Unlimited received a check for $500 from Your Community Foundation. The money will be used to modernize their child visitation center, used to provide a safe and welcoming space for children when visiting with family members or being transferred from the care of one parent to the other. Accepting the award are, from left, Hope Unlimited employees Lindzey Thomas, Kayla Knavel, YCF’s Elaina Stiffler, and Amber Tisdale.
Allen Regional Transit was awarded $2,000 to continue providing accessible transportation services to Allen County residents. From left, Allen Regional Transit’s office manager Angie Roney, president Jeff Keithly, and lead driver Frank Smith pose with Your Community Foundation executive director Elaina Stiffler.
As the holidays approach, opportunities abound to make a difference. Tuesday, Dec. 3 is Giving Tuesday, a global philanthropic effort, and a grant from the Patterson Family Foundation will allow Your Community Foundation to match donations up to a total of $70,000 until Dec. 15. And true to tradition, local Kiwanis members are once again coordinating as annual bell ringers for the Salvation Army.
Established in 2012, Your Community Foundation works to advance the quality of life in Allen County.
To apply for a YCF grant or learn more about the foundation, visit its website. The foundation awards grants every fall. Grant monies are made possible from earnings on endowed funds.