In a case of ?MTV-meets-Iola? fun, a group of about 40 gathered for a short music video production featuring local singer Damaris Kunkler Sunday.
The event was organized by Kunkler as a way to promote her upcoming appearance Sept. 13 at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson.
?I thought it would be fun,? said Kunkler. ?It?s a big deal to me, so I figured I?d try to do a video promotion for it, and bring in a bunch of different groups from around Allen County.?
The crowd gathered at the home of Misty Stiffler near the intersection of Oak and Vine Streets.
Among the audience members are, seated from left, Debi Campbell, Kelli Frazell and son Fisher and Jessica McGinness, and Iola Mayor Jon Wells, standing.
There, they were greeted with a behind-the-scenes primer on music video production.
(Spoiler alert: Kunkler didn?t actually play the music and perform as if she were in concert; rather, she strummed along to a recording of her song ?Gratitude.?)
Mike Collins and Jason Shepard served as videographers while the audience ? mostly gathered around in lawn chairs ? occasionally joined in the action.
The immediate goal is to come up with a short video to promote her state fair appearance.
If enough footage is usable, Kunkler may use it for a full music video.
?I?m not sure if we can do that,? she said. ?The weather just got too hot. But this is good practice.?