Senior Center Thrift Store planning for expansion

The Iola Senior Center's thrift store got a little bit of breathing room with a small remodel project. A much larger building expansion is still needed, board members said.



January 20, 2022 - 9:27 AM

The Iola Senior Center Thrift Store recently completed a small remodel that allowed for more space in the children’s section. From left, Corrine Boeken, Donna Stoll, Dimity Lowell and Joe Hess. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

The end goal for the Iola Senior Center and thrift store at 223 N. State St. is a building expansion. 

That could still be years away.

So for now, board members will make the most of what they have to work with and do what they can to improve the space they have.

That recently included a remodel project, removing non-structural walls and cabinets to open a narrow entrance so it meets ADA compliance.

It also allows for more room in the children’s section.

THE THRIFT store is a popular local option for low-priced, high-quality used items, Dimity Lowell, a board member said. 

Clothing is especially popular, particularly back-to-school shopping. Often, the thrift store receives popular brand name clothes sold for a fraction of their retail price. 

Lowell, one of the newer volunteers, started doing a livestream on social media to let people know of some the best new items as they arrive.

Those things get snatched up pretty quickly. For example, she said, the store received an expensive pair of jeans they sold for just $5.

The problem, though, is space.

The store keeps some inventory in three storage sheds, and will rotate items based on season and need.

The planned expansion is expected to double the space, giving staff more room to display items and allowing customers more room to shop. 

Joe Hess, another board member, said they’ve been working toward an expansion for about a year. The board asked county commissioners for financial help, but the matter has been tabled for months.

Preliminary bids were around $80,000, but the cost of materials and labor has since gone up significantly. 

The timeline on the project “depends on if we get other financing,” Hess said. 

“If we do it ourselves, it will probably take about three years.”

Dimity Lowell, left, and Senior Center board members Corrine Boeken, Joe Hess and Donna Stoll show the difference a remodel made in widening a hallway.Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

SAVING money for the expansion means the senior center’s board isn’t able to help other groups in the community as they have in the past, Lowell and Hess said.

The thrift store donates about $20,000 a year to about a dozen other organizations, such as Hope Unlimited, the Pregnancy and Family Center, food pantries, schools and more. 

November 3, 2021
March 6, 2019
October 12, 2018
April 15, 2016