Thrive means business

New bike shop credits the nonprofit for taking a chance on Iola



March 25, 2018 - 11:00 PM

Dozens turned out to celebrate the opening of Velo+ in Iola in April 2017. Owner Marco DeAngelis is shown second from left behind the ribbon. Today the bike shop is on the south side of the Iola square. REGISTER FILE PHOTO

Velo+, a bike shop that will celebrate its one-year anniversary in April, likely would not have opened in Iola without Thrive Allen County, owner Marco DeAngelis said.

“Thrive has been a crucial part of what made that bike shop happen,”” DeAngelis said.

DeAngelis worked at the Lenexa-based Velo+ bike shop when Iola residents approached then-owner Vincent Rodriguez about opening a location in Iola. DeAngelis (who later bought out Rodriguez) became a partner in the business at about the same time and was intrigued by the opportunity.

He was impressed with the community and the trail system, and especially with the commitment from Thrive and local cycling enthusiasts. It didn’t take long to find a location not far from the downtown square.

“Providing a bike shop in a small town was a goal of the community and that’s what drew me in. I want to see more towns with bike shops,” he said.

But efforts to bring a bike shop to Iola actually began decades before that, as trail supporters worked to convert abandoned railroad lines and historic trails into usable paths, including single track trails that appeal to experienced cyclists. Trail organizers then wanted a place where cyclists could gather, for both social and practical reasons like bike sales and repairs.

Thrive sped up the process thanks to a Community Engagement Initiative grant from the Kansas Health Foundation, which earned the county $350,000 between a grant and matching funds. Thrive spent the money on numerous projects throughout the county based on feedback from local residents during a community conversation three years ago that attracted 160 people.

Business development and employment topped the list of priorities for residents of Iola and Humboldt. Iola capitalized on its trail system and available grant money to tempt Velo+ into setting up shop.

“I think the trails sold themselves and we really appreciate Marco for taking a chance down here,” Damaris Kunkler, program director with Thrive, said. “I believe that bike shop is what we needed. It just needed to be the right time and place.””

Thrive worked with local economic development leaders to provide a year’s worth of free rent to the business.

“That was the icing on the cake,” DeAngelis said. “It wasn’t cost-free but it was low cost and Iola has a strong cycling community. It’s pretty awesome for a town this size to have a trail system so close to downtown.””

The low overhead costs helped the shop survive winter, a time when bicycle demand and cycling activities decrease. The store recently moved to another location near a busy intersection on the downtown square, which already has increased traffic into the store.

“This is the year for us to figure out if we can make it work,” DeAngelis said. “Thrive helped us get down here, financially, but it’s going to require the community to understand a bike shop is the place to buy good quality bikes, accessories and services.””

IN ADDITION to its work with Velo+, Thrive also supported downtown businesses in Humboldt. Thrive provided a $2,500 matching grant to the A Bolder Humboldt project to renovate the facades for several downtown buildings. Through the dedication of several Humboldt residents, the project continues to grow.

“When we had our community conversation, the number one priority for people in Humboldt was more businesses on the town square,” Kunkler recalled. “Our grant went into a bigger pool of money for the building facades. They’ve done so much more than that.””
