Water fun on tap

Local News

August 5, 2019 - 10:06 AM

HUMBOLDT — A local group is making a big splash to wind down the 2019 summer season for area youngsters.

Saturday’s resumption of Water Wars, a staple of summers past until the event was disbanded in the 1990s, will feature a myriad of events geared to appeal to both youngsters and the young at heart.

Water Wars 2019 is sponsored by A Bolder Humboldt, a local group dedicated to making Humboldt “a better, bolder place to live, work and visit.”

On top of local economic development efforts, the group has spearheaded a number of community events, including monthly movie nights on the Humboldt Square.

Saturday’s downtown fun will be a bit wetter. Attendees are encouraged to wear clothing they don’t mind seeing get drenched.

The events kick off at 1 p.m. with a water battle parade. Instead of tossing candy, however, parade participants will be armed with water sprayers and squirt guns to douse spectators.

Following the parade, a number of stations will be set up, including a foam pit, bubble area, kiddie pools, slip and slide, dunk tank, inflatable slides, water balloon launcher and water balloon dodgeball arena.

Fire truck tours start at 2 o’clock, at the same time as frozen t-shirt races and a polar plunge.

Fire hydrant playtime takes center stage at 2:30 before a watermelon eating contest commences at 3 o’clock.

Water rockets will be on display at 3:30, and be on the lookout for sharks roaming the neighborhood.

The day culminates with the traditional firehose barrel blaster, a virtual hydro-powered tug-of-war event.

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