55 Years Ago
September 1963
Celebrating the 62nd anniversary this week of the opening of Globe Clothing Store in Iola, Louis Schlanger, who founded the store in 1901, at the age of 19, well remembers the gas boom days of Iolas early history. At that time there were no electric lights in Iola, no paved streets and no sewage system, but some 4,000 more people than there are today. The stores two employees, Clark Huber and Eddie Lewman, have been on staff for more than 40 years. Mr. Schlangers son, Louis Joseph Schlanger, has managed the store for the past 18 years.
Howard Gilpin, chairman of the Allen County School Unification Committee, reported to the Kiwanis Club here last night that in his opinion the county could not be divided into more than three unified school districts to meet qualifications provided by law. Gilpin said the laws idea is not to consolidate schools but to create taxing districts which would contain enough pupils and enough assessed valuation to make sensible and economical administrative units. The law provides that each new unified district must contain certain minimums in numbers of pupils, grades taught, square miles of area, and assessed valuation.
A crowd estimated at 5,000 attended the first Hi-Point Rodeo at Colony Friday and Saturday. Ninety-five contestants from as far away as Tucson, Ariz., competed for the prize money and trophy buckles for each event as well as the much-coveted All-Around Cowboy trophy saddle given by the rodeo producer, Dale Nichols.
A new soda fountain at Cooks Drug Store opened this week with customers finding they had come down in the world as they sat on the new low stools. The new unit, which puts all the food and drink preparation equipment on the back bar, replaces a 23-year-old fountain. The fountain girls wear candy-striped dresses.
Twenty planes of the Wichita Airmada landed at the Municipal Airport yesterday and the some 75 visitors, representing Wichita business firms, were driven to The Greenery by members of the Iola Chamber of Commerce for a short get-together. The Wichita group were on the return portion of their goodwill flight into Missouri and Arkansas.