Sooner or later, Iran was going to be forced to change its tactics, but perhaps not in the way the United States intended.
Ever since he withdrew the United States from an international nuclear agreement with Iran in 2018, President Trump has been provoking the Mideast country with more sanctions and an increased military presence. The idea is to make Iran buckle.
Instead, it has recharged its nuclear program and become more aggressive militarily. In the wee hours of Thursday, Iran shot down a U.S. surveillance drone that it charged had veered into its airspace. None of which is surprising. When backed into a corner, you fight back.
The downing of the U.S. drone, on top of suspected attacks by Iran on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, seemed to be the last straw for President Trump, setting in motion retaliation by the United States. By Thursday night, three strategic airstrikes were planned, only to be called off by the president hours later.
We were cocked and loaded, he said Friday morning, but pulled back just 10 minutes before their launch.
Had the U.S. drone been manned, that would have justified bombing Iran, Mr. Trump said.
He then downplayed the sophisticated drones takedown as nothing more than a big mistake by an individual who is loose and stupid.
Something tells me thats not who Iran had at the control board.
MR. TRUMPS diplomatic style has been to replace negotiations with threats of fire and fury. Either meet our terms or well crush you.
During his days as a real estate tycoon, Mr. Trump most likely could get away with such a management style.
On the world stage, however, hes seen hes not the only ego in the room and there are those in the world much more ruthless than he and with much less to lose.
In the case of Iran, Mr. Trumps everything-is-a-nail stance is working only to bring Iranian hard-liners to the fore, pushing those with more conciliatory attitudes to the background.
Were also learning that while Mr. Trump likes to make threats, he is loath to follow through, especially when it means putting the United States into more conflicts. For now, were grateful for his most recent backtrack, though were sure it sends our allies a conflicted message. The only lasting way forward is through diplomacy.
Put down the hammers. Stop with the ultimatums. Be open to some give and take.
Peace with Iran may seem too tall an order presently, but we know its cornerstone: dialogue.