Guns: Doing nothing is not an option

We are not persuaded by the argument that laws aren't going to stop 'bad buys' from getting guns



May 31, 2022 - 2:33 PM

A protestor outside the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston on Friday, May 27, as the NRA Convention is held a few days after the Robb Elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. The woman’s poster lists the names and ages of the 19 students and two teachers who were shot to death last week in Ulvade, Texas. (Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/TNS)

Silence is not an option.

Offering your thoughts and prayers is not working.

Ignoring the problem is not a viable strategy.

Ignoring guns is not the answer.

Whether it’s the Sandy Hook shooter or the slaughter of 19 children and two adults at a Texas elementary school, or even Boise’s own shooter at the Boise Towne Square, the common thread is too-easy access to guns. People who have no business possessing guns had easy access to them, and went on rampages that killed innocent people.

While Republican politicians want to talk about everything except guns when this country experiences yet another mass shooting, the rest of us are done listening to the excuses and weak explanations. Pointlessly pontificating about the “breakdown of the family” and wistfully wishing we had better mental health care are merely distractions.

Beware those who want to shut down the gun debate before it even begins by using the unfounded scare tactic, “they’re coming to take your guns,” or by saying it’s too soon to talk about it, or that talking about gun control is “part of an agenda” or “playing politics.”

We are not persuaded by the argument that laws aren’t going to stop “bad guys” from getting guns, that they’ll find a way to get guns regardless.

Imagine applying that logic to other laws.

If someone wants to vote illegally, they’re going to find a way to vote illegally. Nothing we can do about it. No law is going to stop it.

Speed limits? Shall we get rid of drug laws? Abortion laws? What if we made it as difficult to get a gun as Republicans want to make it to get an abortion? What if we made it as difficult to get a gun as it is to get a driver’s license in this country?

Nor are we persuaded by the argument that these school shootings would be reduced if we just arm teachers.

Based on all of our other mass shootings, we’d have to arm every grocery store clerk, church pastor, Walmart greeter, mall security guard, rabbi, nightclub bouncer, postal clerk, Republican member of Congress playing baseball, and every high school kid who takes your ticket and sweeps the floors at movie theaters. Is that the America we all want to live in, where everyone is armed to the teeth, ready to start firing at the pop of a balloon?

And if you’re really going to pretend to be “pro-life,” then perhaps you would want to take action regarding a killing mechanism that takes the lives of innocent children in an instant and in such a brutal manner that it requires parents to submit their DNA for identification purposes because their children have been damaged beyond recognition.

Nothing happened in the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook. Or Parkland. What will it take to get everyone’s head out of the sand?

It’s amazing to us how much power the NRA still holds in this country.

There are steps that can be taken that are not an infringement of the Second Amendment. But gun extremists have kidnapped that amendment and are holding the rest of us hostage.

Republican federal lawmakers need to start considering regulations.

Idaho’s delegation, Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, and Reps. Russ Fulcher and Mike Simpson, can lead the way.
