Letter to the editor – August 2, 2021

Dear editor,

I am writing in regard to the article by Brian Grimmett, “Electric cars are ready for longer commutes of rural Kansas” in your Saturday edition. 

I agree with the premise of the article. Most people’s daily trips are less than 60 miles (round trip). Trips to Kansas City or Wichita are well within the range of most electric cars, with plenty of range for driving around once you get there. When you get home, overnight charging from an existing 120-volt outlet is usually all you need. EVs are ideal for home health workers and others who visit a client’s home and are home every night.

I think electric pickup trucks will be a game-changer for contractors since these trucks typically travel less than 100 miles a day and spend every night parked in the contractor’s yard, not far from an outlet.

Want to take a road trip to New Orleans? Rent a regular car! If you take a road trip only once or twice a year, rent a car! It is far cheaper to rent a car than pay for the depreciation, insurance, oil changes and license plates on a car you only really need several times a year. 

When I visit you from Denver, I will take my own advice and rent a car rather than try to find charging stations for my Nissan Leaf.

Best wishes,

Jim Amos,

Former Humboldt resident
