Three years ago, Humanity House set some goals: a food pantry that would be open five days a week; a full line of educational and fun classes that would be free and open to everyone; a building of our own, free and clear of any debt; a garden space that would allow us to grow fresh produce for everyone; laundry facilities that would allow individuals and families to have clean clothing and bedding; enough fundraising to help families and individuals with utilities; a list of resources that would provide a direction for people in need of things we did not have; a way to open the eyes of the general public to poverty and the stigma that is attached to it, and a kitchen and all that it entails.
Today, all of those things have finally come true for us. Today we received word that we are the recipients of an extremely generous donation that will complete the funding for our kitchen.
This is not the last dream that we have, but it has the most difficult to obtain and to us one of the most important.
Food is a right, not a privilege. We believe that. Everyone should be able to have a nutritious meal, in a safe environment, with their family or with friends.
No child should ever go to bed hungry or worry if they will have something to eat for supper.
This is the most exciting news that we have had since we opened our Humanity House office doors April 1 of last year. The amount of gratitude that we feel for this and all of the other donations that are making our kitchen possible is so very humbling.
We make every effort to do the best that we can for our community and our county. We do the things that we feel will help those in need while bringing opportunities for friendships to develop across economic lines.
The funding will allow us to help so many in ways that up until now have left us feeling like we have not lived up to our promises.
The smiles on our faces today are the smiles that happen when dreams and goals come true.
Kindness matters!