Dear editor,
To our area farmers and ranchers:
As I drive down our roads in just about any direction, I see big wads of bale wrap and twine that have fallen off your feed trucks.
Not only are they unsightly but I shudder to think what they will do to the roadside mowers or our cars, trucks and other machinery if we run over them.
So please, before the grass and weeds get too high to cover them in the next week or two, take your wife, kids, or grandkids with you when you go to feed and have them pick up the blobs and feed sacks on the roads you drive and dispose of them properly. You need a container fastened to your truckbed to put them in when you remove them from the bales.
In respect for the environment and the roadside mowers who will hopefully mow our roadsides this summer, please pick up what is already there and keep them from blowing off in the future.
Im a farm wife and I know you are busy and will soon be busier, but know we would all appreciate your help in this.
Audrey Maley,
Moran, Kan.