Parents take the 4-H reins

It was the parents' and grandparents' turn to run the proceedings at Prairie Rose 4-h's July 9 meeting.

Around Town

July 20, 2023 - 2:45 PM

The head table for Parents’ and Grandparents’ Nigh at the July 9 Prairie Rose 4-H Club meeting are, from left, Acting Secretary Jason Botts, parent of Kason and Kylar Botts; Secretary Kason Botts; Acting President Angelea Heim, parent of Sophia and Mallory Heim; President Sophia Heim; and Acting Vice President, Darrell Dix, grandfather of Sophia and Mallory Heim and Doug Dix. Courtesy photo

The Prairie Rose 4-H Club met at 4 p.m. July 9 at Moran United Methodist Church for Parents’ and Grandparents’ Night. 

Roll call was answered by 14 members, two Cloverbuds and two leaders.

Eleven guests were introduced. Jaren Curl gave a talk on “How to Properly Swing a Baseball Bat” and the club enjoyed a game of basket toss with all of the guests.  

— Kason Botts, reporter
