Dear Carolyn: I work in an extremely demanding job that has always expected late nights, overtime, uncompensated work on the weekends, and basically a commitment to make it one of the most important things in your life. Its a charity organization that I deeply agree with, and I have always made that commitment happily.
A new hire started at the firm recently who doesnt. It drives me to distraction to see Pat swan out of the office at half five, never answer emails until arriving at work and rarely work through lunch. On occasion when we have an emergency project on short notice, Pat will chip in with the rest of us, but not often. Pat admits to not understanding our commitment to the job and says its different in Europe (where Pat is from), where they work to live.
It would be annoying if Pat did this and was failing, but Pats work is consistently praised by our boss and put Pat in line for a promotion.
Is this person just so efficient that working hours are enough for what it takes me sleepless nights to do? Or have I just been pointlessly running in this hamster wheel expecting someone to see how much I love my job?
Hamster: That darn Pat, committing flagrant acts of sanity.
Is that really why you work for free expecting someone to see how much I love my job? As in, giving your power to the boss?
If so, then please see Pat as a living flick to the forehead. And a role model.
Maybe start with waiting till you get into the office to start work. Then move on to a firm departure time. If you typically leave around 8 p.m., then choose 7:30 p.m., then 7, etc., backing your way into a life outside of the office. Watch for workplace consequences, adjust schedule accordingly, repeat.
In the hours you free up, read articles on human productivity, especially in desk jobs. Pat might actually do better work because of the lighter schedule and firmer boundaries.
Also, heres the easiest change ever: Tweak your vocabulary. Pat doesnt swan out of the office; Pat leaves work. Presumably, to do other things Pat enjoys.
In fact, Pat sounds like someone worth treating to lunch as in, leave the office and order food and dont talk shop so you can find out more about working less.