New vaccine works better against HPV strain



April 3, 2019 - 9:57 AM

DEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter got the Gardasil shot when she was 16 years old. Now there is a new, more effective vaccine — Gardasil 9. Is it advisable to get another vaccine? Also, if a young girl has had sexual relations, is it too late to get the vaccine? — D.J.

ANSWER: Gardasil is a brand of the vaccine for human papillomavirus, and is the only brand available in the U.S. at the time of this writing. The original Gardasil vaccine carried protection for four common strains of HPV, including the two most aggressive types (16 and 18).

In 2015, Gardasil 9 was released, which provides protection against nine different forms (again including 16 and 18). Revaccination with Gardasil 9 is not recommended for males or females who have completed any HPV vaccination.

The vaccine is most effective when given before the onset of sexual activity. However, it continues to provide protection and is now recommended by the Food and Drug Administration for men and women up to age 45. Even though a person may have had sexual relations, he or she may not yet have been exposed to one of the high-risk strains of HPV, which is why the new indications were made in October 2018, following long-term safety and efficacy studies.

The vaccine is very safe. The most common adverse effect is a sore arm, and serious adverse effects happened in less than 0.1 percent. Some parents have been concerned that girls who were vaccinated against HPV might be more likely to have risky sexual behavior, but studies have shown this is not the case.

Vaccinating males against HPV protects their female partners and is likely to reduce risk of other HPV-associated cancers. These cancers, especially cancer of the head and neck, are becoming increasingly prevalent in men.

I encourage anyone age 45 or younger to seriously consider HPV vaccination if they have not yet had it, even if they have been sexually active.
