County OKs new locks for seniors’ thrift store


Local News

July 3, 2019 - 9:30 AM

Iola Senior Citizens, inc.

President of Iola Seniors Inc. Joyce Adair went before Allen County Commissioners on Tuesday morning asking for two new locks to be installed on the center’s thrift store.

Adair said the store had been broken into on two separate occasions this year and they believed it was an inside job.

“We were broken into this weekend and it appears that they have a key to get into the store. Once they get in, they break into the boxes and steal money,” Adair said. 

Adair requested new locks for the building’s two doors. 

“We just want to start anew,” she said.

Commissioners agreed to have house and grounds director Ron Holman replace the locks.


ZONING Administrator Terry Call reported the Planning Commission approved a 120-foot internet tower to be built on property located at 2021 Georgia Rd. in Humboldt. Call said the radio on the tower would be able to provide internet services for those within an 8-mile radius. Midwest Connections out of Chanute will construct the tower. The company currently has 12 people wanting to use the tower and anticipates anywhere from 25-30 connecting to it. Call said that once the tower hits 80 percent of its bandwidth, Midwest Connections would add another radio to allow others to connect. 

Commissioners approved the recommendation by the Planning Commission with a 3-0 vote.

Call then asked commissioners if the county could put the money they receive for offering stand-by services at Humboldt Speedway in a different account than the ambulance services account. Call reported they receive about $5,000 a year from the Speedway for their stand-by services and that he would like to see the money used to replace broken equipment throughout the year.

“I have asked in the past if we could put the money (money earned from standing by) into the rescue fund so we could build up a reserve and purchase equipment with that. I have talked to Rodney Burns (Auditor) and he said that would be fine as long as I got the commissioners’ approval,” Call said.

After speaking with County Counselor Bob Johnson II, commissioners gave their approval  to put the money into the rescue fund.

Money earned from services provided this year can be put into the account.


PUBLIC WORKS Director Mitch Garner said that crews are continuing to work on areas that were damaged by the floods. 

“We cannot fix the asphalt stuff until we are able to get over and oil and chip seal it,” Garner said. Garner said they hope to start making chip rock around the end of July or beginning of August.

Garner said that the county was currently shorthanded due to vacations and a few vacant spots — they currently have openings for a field mechanic and a sharp-blade operator — causing them to move employees around to fill in.

Garner said they are currently in the process of putting in a new hangar at the airport.


COMMISSIONERS authorized the chairman, Jerry Daniels, to sign the contract for the fire station in Rural District 2.

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