Letter to the editor — July 29, 2018

Dear editor,

It’s posted by the county, 45 mph from Iola city limits to Humboldt city limits.

Most local drivers seem to know and obey. Also, no passing zones.

But somebody is going to die. If not yet, then definitely in winter. This is a bad road in winter.

Yesterday, my wife and I faced near death almost in my own driveway by a cross-country double trailer. I was turning left, or started to. I had my left turn signal on in plenty of time for the semi-truck bearing down on me from behind to slow down, when instead he sped up. I saw he was going to pass us just as I was about to turn left into my drive. He missed us by mere inches because I stopped. All I could do was swear at him. He didn’t stop or use his horn. These cross country trucks have absolutely no business on our county road unless they have cargo for Humboldt.

You report the highway is closed at Tank Farm Road. That’s wrong.

The traffic going both north and south is using both Minnesota and Hawaii roads, which are supposed to be used only by local traffic.

This must be stopped before someone gets killed. Wanda and I were extremely lucky only because we took care. Some of these No Doze pill-popping semi-drivers will eventually kill one of our Allen County people on a road they don’t belong.

The state caused the problem. The county solution is inadequate, insufficient and unenforced. The sheriff’s office is not doing its job on this road.

We need only local traffic .

Ernie Davidson,

Iola, Kan.
