Maundy Thursday Service
The Maundy Thursday and Communion Service was held on April 18. Richard Klingensmith led the singing.
Pastor Steves message came from Mark 14:12-26, titled The New Covenant. He also gave a brief summary on the origins of the songs used in the evenings service: There Is a Fountain, The Old Rugged Cross and Near the Cross.
Richard Klingensmith sang In the Garden accompanied by Rita Sanders at the piano.
Assisting Pastor Steve with Communion were David Ensminger, Glen Herschberger, Virginia Warren and David Loomis.
Carlyle Presbyterian Church
Seventy-four attended Easter Sunday Services. Pastor Steve Traws Easter message was The Scars of the Savior with scripture reference from John 20:24-31.
Myrna Wildschuetz played The Holy City for the prelude. For the special music, Myrna asked us to close our eyes and imagine the road of sorrows Jesus walked on His way to the Cross while she played Via Dolorosa. Rita Sanders played Hallelujah Chorus for the offertory.
Susan Walters birthday was Wednesday and Tyton Burtons Friday.
Levi Der, grandson of David and Phyllis Loomis will celebrate his 10th birthday this week.
Aiden Fraker shared with the congregation the ribbons he won at the Special Olympics.
The church fellowship dinner will be at noon on Sunday.
Bible Study with Pastor Steve on the Book of Galatians resumed Tuesday.
Around town
Easter guests of David and Phyllis Loomis were Matt, Michelle, and Maegan Loomis, Humboldt, Justin and Lisa Der, Nathaniel, Elias, Levi, Hudson, Johanna, Caleb, Esme, and Elena, Overland Park, Chad and Jana Grisier, Jaylen, Emerson, Owen, Maryn, William, and Hazel, Sapulpa, Okla., and George and Sharon Grisier, Gas. Egg hunts, tractor rides, and pasture clearing were on the agenda following a ham dinner.
Gene and Naomi Chambers spent Easter in Manhattan with their family, Bob and LuAnn Reece.
Joanne McIntyre and Jim Hinson enjoyed Easter dinner at the home of Greg and Jackie McIntyre. Also attending were Zack, Kady, Zoey and Kline McIntyre, Yates Center, Brandon, Ashton and Jaxsen of Gridley, and Greg and Jackies niece from Wichita, JeNeal Horning.
Cathy Evans and Chase, daughter and grandson, Bartlesville, spent Easter with Melvin and Linda Gunther.