IHS Forensics Team competes at state


May 7, 2019 - 10:23 AM

The Iola High School Forensics Team included, front from left, Jon Poffenbarager, Lexie Vega, Katie Weide, Jacob Andersen, Parker Smith, Gaby Lampe, Elanie Sturgeon; back row, Allie Fager, Isabella Duke, Haley Carlin, River Hess, Andre Quinn, Sadrie Overall, Josie Plumlee. COURTESY PHOTO

Iola High School forensics students returned from state competition this past weekend with numerous honors. The competition took place Saturday at Topeka.  



Lexie Vega and River Hess, 2nd place in Improvised Duet Acting

Lexie Vega and River Hess , 5th place in Duo Interpretation

Jacob Andersen, 4th place in Oral Interpretation of Poetry


Isabella Duke, 7th place in Original Oration

Parker Smith, 8th place in Humorous Solo Acting

Allie Fager, 8th place in Oral Interpretation of Poetry 

Gaby Lampe and Sadrie Overall, 9th place in Duo Interpretation

Honorable Mentions:

Katie Weide, 13th place in Serious Solo Acting

Haley Carlin, 13th place in Humorous Solo Acting

Andre Quinn, 14th place in Impromptu Speaking

Team Sweeps, 7th
