Catbackers banquet returns next week



May 16, 2018 - 11:00 PM

Kansas State University fans can gather for fellowship, food, fun and a fundraiser next week when the Power Catbackers of Southeast Kansas annual banquet returns to Iola.

The banquet brings together local alumni, supporters and prospective students with current K-State student-athletes, athletic coaches and other officials beginning with a social hour at 5 p.m. followed by the banquet at 6 p.m. at the Iola Rec Center. The menu is a taco bar. The event includes speakers, a live auction with unique items, a silent auction, raffles, scholarships and activities for kids.

The banquet is a fundraiser for the Ahern Fund, which increases awareness and support for K-State and its athletic programs.

High school seniors and community college students who attend will receive a free K-State T-shirt and will be eligible for a drawing for a scholarship.

The event allows K-State fans to mingle and learn from coaches about the next athletic seasons, such as which incoming freshmen athletes to keep an eye on and what they expect, Janet Sager, one of the local organizers and a member of the K-State Class of ’74, said.

“It’s a nice, relaxing, fun evening and an update on where programs stand and what’s happening,” Sager said.

The annual event rotates between Iola, Independence, Parsons and Pittsburg. In past years, Coach Bill Snyder has attended but Sager said neither he nor Frank Martin were expected for this event. She wasn’t sure which coaches might attend, but said to expect to see Wyatt Thompson, the “Voice of the Wildcats,” introduce the speakers.

The live auction items include:

• A chance to participate in K-State’s annual and exclusive Harley Ride.

• A “coaching experience” that includes a pre-game meal, a peek into the locker room and a seat directly behind the K-State bench at a non-conference men’s basketball game.

• Autographed memorabilia and more.

Tickets are $10 for adults; $8 for high school freshmen, sophomores and juniors; and $5 for children kindergarten through eighth grade. Students in the Class of 2018 or community college students can attend for free; others who want to sponsor a student meal can pay $8 per student.

The registration deadline has been extended to Monday. To register call 800-600-ALUM (2586). For more information, call Sager at 620-363-1587.
