News from Colony



April 3, 2018 - 11:00 PM



April 11-Rural Water District No. 5 board meeting, Board Office, 8 p.m.; 12-Community Bingo, City Hall Community Room, 7 p.m.

School calendar

Saturday-Prom; Monday-baseball/softball at Crest vs. Jayhawk Linn; Crest Board meeting, Board Office, 7 p.m.; Tuesday-High school track at Pleasanton, 3:30 p.m.; April 11-middle school track at Emporia; 12-baseball/softball at Marmaton Valley; 13-no school

Meal site

Friday-fish, au gratin potatoes, peas and carrots, bread, rosy applesauce; Monday-Mr. Rib, baked beans, salad with spinach, hamburger bun, peaches; April 11-meatloaf, baked potato, broccoli, roll, berry

mix. Phone 620-852-3457 for meal reservations.

Christian Church

Darren McGhee gave the communion meditation on the song “The Potter’s Hand” during Sunday’s Easter service.

Men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday. Youth group meets at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday followed by a meal and prayer at 5:30 and then the adult Bible study at 7. The group is starting a new study this week, “Praying the Psalms.”

A potluck breakfast will be at 9:30 a.m. Sunday.

The membership will vote on Bruce Symes for elder this month.

Cowboy Church

Having returned from a journey to Israel, Pastor Jon Petty brought the Easter Sunday message at High Point Cowboy Church.

Terri Louk opened the service singing “Were You There?”
