News from Colony


Local News

June 5, 2018 - 11:00 PM


Monday-Crest School Board meets at Board Office, 7 p.m.; Tuesday-First Story Hour; June 13-Rural Water District No. 5 Board Meeting, Board Office, 8 p.m.; 14-Community Bingo Cash Blackout, 6 p.m. City Hall Community Room

Little League schedule

Girls: Monday-three games; June 14-3 games

T-ball and Coach Pitch

Boys: June 15-two games

Meal site

Friday-hot dog, coleslaw, chuck wagon corn, hot dog bun, Rice Krispie treat; Monday-sloppy Joe, scalloped potatoes, peas, hamburger bun, apricots; June 13-beef lasagna, salad mix, Caribbean blend, roll, blueberry crisp. Phone 620-852-3457 for meal reservations.

Christian Church

Sunday Larry Wittmer gave the Communion Meditation on following GPS: “God’s Salvation Plan.” When we follow our own GPS, we fail by worshiping money, ourselves, addictions, etc. When we follow God’s Salvation Plan, we receive epic grace.

Bruce Symes gave the sermon on “Repentance,” referencing Psalm 51 and 32.

Men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday. Youth group meets at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, followed by a meal and prayer at 5:30 and adult Bible Study at 7 o’clock.

The current study is on “Evangelism.”

Creative Blessings will meet at the parsonage 9-11 a.m. Tuesday 9-11 a.m. All ladies are welcome. Tuesday’s craft will be toothbrush rag rugs.

If you have scrap fabric/T-shirt material that you can cut into 1-or 2-inch strips, please bring those. Homemade wooden needles will be available to purchase for $1.

Cowboy Church

Susan Busteed served as pastor Sunday at Cowboy High Point Church speaking on the relationships of family, friends, and especially the Lord “growing closer to Him.” Accompanying Scripture was John 8:32, Hebrews 4:14-16 and 2 Peter 1:3 and 4.


Scripture presented at Sunday’s United Methodist Church service were Psalm 139: 1-6,

1 Samuel 3: 1-29, 2 Corinthians 4: 4-12 and Mark 2: 23. Pastor Dorothy Welch presented the sermon “Throw Your Cup Over The Wall — Living Through Transitions.”


Vacation Bible School is each morning this week through Friday, 8-11:30. Lessons are held in churches, so please watch when driving through town.

Crest alumni

The 111th Colony-Crest Alumni was May 26 at the Colony-Crest Gymnasium. Marie Plinsky, president, welcomed the group. Arvin Clemans gave the invocation.

A dinner of brisket and ham, potatoes, salads, rolls, and desserts was served by Two Sisters from Kincaid. Two Sisters is owned by Renda Hammond and Cindy Rhodes, both Crest graduates.

Following the dinner, Plinsky welcomed the group and Mary Scovill led the Pledge of Allegiance. The pledge was followed by the singing of “God Bless America” led by the South Wind Band. The group, made up of Michael Miller, Lita Miller and Scott Baker, entertained the group with several more songs.

Plinsky introduced the 2018 scholarship winners of the Earl R. Clemans Jr. Scholarships, Makayla Jones, daughter of Stacy and Gerald Jones, and Austin Hendrix, son of Michelle and the late Scott Hendrix. Arvin Clem-ans presented the scholarship winners with $500 checks.
