Carlyle News

Carlyle Presbyterian Church, Sept. 5


Around Town

September 10, 2021 - 2:57 PM

Pastor Steve Traw’s message, “Encouragement,” was taken from Philippians 2:19-30. Pastor Steve explained, “Since Paul was in prison and couldn’t minister to the Philippian Church in person himself, he sent Timothy to encourage them with their hurts and concerns.” Is there someone you can lend encouragement to in their life struggles?

Guest pianist, Cheryl Klingensmith, played “Win Them One By One” for the prelude and “Jesus Is Lord for All” for the offertory.

Celebrating birthdays were Cheryl  Klingensmith on Sept. 5, Bryan Crites on Sept. 7 and Maude Burns on Sept. 10.

Session meeting was Tuesday.

Weekly Bible study is at 3 p.m. Tuesdays with Pastor Steve.

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