Tag: COVID-19

Pfizer will charge $110 to $130 for a dose of its COVID-19 vaccine once the U.S. government stops buying the shots, but the drugmaker says it expects many people will continue receiving it for free.…

As the weather gets colder, Americans hunker down for a third winter marred by COVID-19 — a virus everyone would gladly erase from our memories. But we can’t, because the bug is still taking about…

DEAR DR. ROACH: Are the current strains of COVID and monkeypox similar to the AIDS virus? I’m confused about the manner of spreading it and where these strains came from. — Z.B. ANSWER: SARS-CoV-2 (the…

COVID-19 booster vaccinations can save tens of thousands of lives in the weeks and months ahead, Biden administration officials said, citing new data that shows the impact of previous shots on hospitalizations and deaths among…

Mary Rosaker McDonald has had a heckuva time retiring. She first tried after 23 years as a nurse at the Topeka Veterans Affairs Medical Center. “I couldn’t handle retirement,” she said. “I lasted six months.”…

Free at-home COVID-19 test kits are available at the Thrive Allen County office, 9 S. Jefferson Ave. “With the weather cooling down and the typical cold and flu season on the horizon, we’re thinking about…

Free at-home COVID-19 test kits are available to all Kansas households beginning immediately. Five test kits are available to each household.  The free test kits are made possible through a partnership between the Kansas Department…

GENEVA (AP) — The head of the World Health Organization said Wednesday that the number of coronavirus deaths worldwide last week was the lowest reported in the pandemic since March 2020, marking what could be…

JERUSALEM (AP) — New research suggests at least 17 million people in the European Union may have experienced long COVID-19 symptoms during the first two years of the coronavirus pandemic, with women more likely than…

Rebecca Johnson, director of the Southeast Kansas Multi-Agency Health Departments, is concerned about a decline in childhood vaccination rates.  That’s been the case for years, even before COVID-19 appeared, she said. It seems to have…